Current Power offers a variety of electrical power systems and controls automation for the oil & gas industry. We can design and manufacture full control systems for drilling operations, including VFD houses and driller’s cabins, or offer solutions to upgrade existing system capabilities to power a third mud pump, fourth generator or high torque top drive. We are a leading provider of battery energy storage solutions and utility substations that help reduce fuel consumption and emissions at wellsite locations. We have developed advanced controls applications such as oscillating systems, automated downlinking, managed pressure drilling, and process automation to drive operational performance improvements.

We are a leader in customizing and packaging VFD houses and driller's cabins for any drilling application. We can provide air-cooled or liquid-cooled drives for the most challenging environments. We have the ability to customize our hardware power solutions and controls to support any horsepower range and tool selection. In addition, we can offer the most advanced cyber chair solutions and automation packages.
As drilling operations evolve and the need for additional hydraulic and rotary horsepower increases, we are able to offer economical solutions to upgrade your current controls and power systems to meet this operational demand. We offer a range of options to add additional mud pumps, generators, and increase horsepower rating to top drives with minimal control system modifications.

Current Power offers utility substations to power drilling rigs with full electrical power, eliminating emissions at rig locations. We also offer proprietary solutions to combine any power and energy storage source, including electric utility, generators, and battery energy storage, to accommodate maximum load demands on utilities and optimize variable electricity costs.

EcoCell® lithium battery hybrid energy management system can be used in combination with traditional rig power systems to shave peak loads and reduce the average number of generators online, reducing overall fuel and emissions.

Our managed pressure drilling system is a single electric choke offering, allowing it to fit in small footprints on the rig floor or in the substructure. Controls are integrated with the drilling system allowing for precise pressure control, especially when ramping pumps and during connections. The driller is able to easily control and monitor the system from their drilling console.

Want to connect your pressure pumping equipment to the electrical utility but don’t know how? Current Power can help tie part or all of your electrical equipment to the local utility. Using a team of power engineers, Current Power will evaluate the site, contact the local utility, and put together a proposal for connection to the utility. In addition, Current Power will supply or rent the necessary electrical distribution equipment to make this happen. This includes options for microgrids to support existing power generation equipment.

Need medium or low voltage variable frequency drives to control electric motors in a harsh-environment? Current Power packages medium and low voltage drives both air and liquid cooled in small, weatherproof enclosures designed for the harshest environments.
Want to automate or convert existing blender, chemical additive, or sand and water handling equipment to be fully autonomous and controlled from the data van. Current Power can convert existing equipment partially or fully for remote operation, control, and monitoring.

Want to add control equipment to your current data van but don’t know how? Current Power can provide control, monitoring, and remote access as well as cloud-based data storage and real-time alerts. From a piece of added equipment to the full pressure pumping system, Current Power can provide a control solution sized to meet your needs.